Am I hearing cuicas in the background or am I imagening things? Regardless make the cuicas louder please, it's one of my favorite instruments
Am I hearing cuicas in the background or am I imagening things? Regardless make the cuicas louder please, it's one of my favorite instruments
that instrument is not there unfortunately
This melody that happens at 1:42, 2:15 and 6:55 really reminds me of touhou (maybe PCB stage 1 theme, or maybe some other song)
*edit: now I remember, it was a melody contained in "vanishing dream - lost dream" it's not at all exact note by note and yet it still reminds me of this. If your curious it happens around 1:08 on that song
Again, regardless, this is phenomenal!
DAMN! I really like this beggining, the rhythm, the melody, all soo good, but than...
00:27 these notes sound really out of tune with the rest of the music (not that they are bad, on their own they seem to make a nice melody, but... they really dissonate bad with what is going on overall)
Yeah, that part at 0:08 really reminds me of stayin' alive by bee gees
It's just 4 seconds though, so I don't think that's any problem with that (but my brain just went "i heard this before... where?" really hard)
I remember hearing others songs from you, but I think (so far) this is the one I liked the most? I could really feel the emotion, the guitar melody was really good and so was the overall atmosphere
Me remeteu os mutantes com essa vibe tipo experimental
Oloco, alguem falar que algo que eu fiz remete mutantes em qualquer sentido é maravilhoso!
Sempre bom ver uns br ativo aqui no NG ehnois
To me the part you named "(pre)" was too short and (while by itself sounded cool) distracted me from the rest of the song... but by the second time I listened I got used to it (though I'd suggest making that part longer, at least twice as long as is now)
I found the melody of the "verse" more catchy than the "chorus" one... maybe it wasn't that memorable to me because you didn't change the lead instrument for the melody at any point (and that can became quite stale)
During the brigde/break, those notes felt meaningless and didn't add to anything overall
Everything else sounded perfectly fine, no complain nor noteworth comment
(JUST a warning that I know little about audio stuff like mixing or mastering so I can't help you with that... And my opinion is just an opinion of a stranger on the internet, if it added anything to you, good, otherwise don't worry about it)
I agree with you about the (Pre). I was trying to follow a song structure that said to make it 4 bars. Now I know to make it longer if it needs it.
Good idea! I never thought to change the melody instrument. That has great potential, thank you!
Yes, the bridge/break does need something more, or less to it. I will have to experiment more.
Thank you for your review! I have much to learn.
It has a good vibe to it, the sounds you use are good.
Though it is missing something to me, I keep waiting for something to happen but it never really does.
The beggining till 0:45 was well developed. I guess after 1:00 I expected a new change, but it was just more of the same... and then it ended ok.
Thanks for the feedback, Tebyricat!
Glad you still liked this track.
I worked on this music for only 1 hour. I'm just in a hurry to show it to others.
Making stuff I like, improving little by little
Joined on 12/13/18